News — Cleaning
How To Can Water For Emergencie
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s You could suddenly find yourself without clean drinking water during a water-related emergency, such as damage to a treatment plant or contamination of your local water system. One way to be prepared is by storing a supply of water that your family can get by on for several days or longer. In a water emergency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends storing at least one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days for drinking and sanitation. However, they strongly suggest stashing away a two-week supply if you’re able. And, if you live...
It seems that once the temperature drops all I crave are soups, stews and hearty meals prepared in my trusty cast iron enameled dutch oven
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It's hard to argue. Nothing sounds better on a blustery windy day than a piping hot bowl of potato soup. It's the essence of winter comfort food. But with all that cooking, stewing, sautéing and roasting, my dutch oven tends to get down-right grimy. And as much as I try to clean it, there always seems to be that stained reminder of stews not that long ago. Thankfully there are numerous ways to clean a dutch oven and make it look good as new. 1. Clean the outside first. Le Creuset First things first, you have to focus on the...