Amazon has these Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Cleaning Sheets, 3 Packs of 16 Sheets, (48 Count) for ONLY $10.66-$12.16 Shipped (Was $14.91)!!!
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If you have 5 or more subscriptions and will receive 5 items in any month you will save 15%. Final Price $10.66
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If you don't subscribe and save the total price is $12.91. Shipping is Free with Amazon Prime or with a $25 Order.
The power of Magic Eraser in a disposable sheet Sheets are thin and flexible to give you that deep cleaning in hard-to-reach places Works with water alone Great for cleaning greasy stove tops, tough stains in microwaves, grimy fridge handles, hard water spots and stains on sinks and faucets Try block Magic Erasers for larger messes